How Much Should You Pay For Stump Grinding?

So you have a stump you need removed. You call someone and get a quote for $200. Is that too high? Too low? How are you supposed to know?

Most stump grinders don't want you to know how much you should be paying. That way, they can charge you whatever they want.

Sorry guys.

Here is a guide to help you get some ballpark estimates of what you should expect to pay for stump grinding and what factors affect price. The truth is, we would have to see your specific stump in order to accurately quote it. But this is a rough guide you can use to make sure you aren’t scammed or gouged.

I heard a story from some relatives about a stump grinder who quoted a large stump at $100. They were surprised by the low price and had him come out to grind the stump. This guy got about halfway through the job and realized it would take much longer than he anticipated. So he just left without finishing the job. If a quote seems too good to be true, maybe it is!

On the other hand, I have seen stump grinders charge double what it should cost. For example, I once quoted a large job with a bunch of stumps at $1,200, and someone else had quoted them at $2,400.

So, how much should you be paying for stump grinding?

Here are the factors that affect the price: size, type, and number of stumps.

1) Obviously, the bigger the stump, the more it costs.

2) If you know the type of tree, that is very helpful for getting a quote. Some tree types are more challenging (water oak, maple, river birch), and others are easier (Leyland cypress, pine trees).

3) The more stumps, the cheaper you should pay per stump.

Many factors affect the price. Here is some more detailed info and estimates that might help:

A row of Leyland cypresses (see below) shouldn't cost you more than $30-50 per stump (if they are in a row). But, of course, you will pay more per stump if there is just one stump*.


On the other hand, a large water oak is going to cost you anywhere from $300-$800. There are some HUGE water oaks. The most I have ever charged was $950, and I was underpaid. I actually spent an entire day on this single stump (see below).


A standard pine tree stump should cost you anywhere from $50* to $200 (see below), and a maple tree should cost around $100 to $300.


Please keep in mind that these are estimates. The only way to give an accurate quote is to see the actual stump. Text me a picture and I'll quote it for you for free: 864-551-9604.

I hope this helps you avoid getting scammed or gouged by stump grinders! Of course, some stump grinders out there will be on the cheap side. They may give you the lowest quote, but may leave the job unfinished or leave a mess behind. At Stumpro, we strive to provide the highest quality work and best service at a great price. You can read our Google reviews here.

If you have any questions, shoot me a text or contact me through our contact page. I hope this article helps!

*Typically, there is a minimum charge for a job. For example, if you have one Leyland cypress stump that should cost $30, it is not worth the stump grinder's time to come out and grind that single stump for $30 (due to driving time, fuel costs, etc.). So, most stump grinders typically charge a minimum for a job (our minimum job size is $110). One great way to get around this is to ask your neighbors if they also need stumps ground. If we can come out and do several jobs in your area, we can do each stump for cheaper.

Michael FrederickStumpro