Chip Removal

Most customers don’t realize how much mulch is created by grinding a stump. They are often surprised when the job is complete by just how much mulch is on the ground.

So, what should you do with the mulch that is left over from a job? Haul it away? Just leave it?

Well, the first question is, where is the stump located? If it is in a mulch bed, natural area, or out of sight, we would normally recommend just leaving the chips. We try to leave the job site looking nice so you don’t feel like you have to remove the chips in these cases. When we finish grinding a stump, we always rake out the chips leaving the job site looking clean and natural.

However, if the stump is in your front yard or on your grass, we would recommend getting your chips removed. Your grass is going to die if it is covered in mulch.

So, if you decide you need to get your chips removed, what are your options?

Many customers try to do it themselves. They will often use it in their flower beds or gardens. Very few stump grinders offer chip removal, so be sure to inquire beforehand if that’s a priority for you.

But what if your stump grinder does provide chip removal? What will that cost?

At Stumpro, we do offer chip removal for those customers who want it. A good estimate of the additional cost is something like 1/3 of the job. For example, if we quote your stump at $180 to grind, we will typically charge an additional $60 to remove the chips. Here is a before and after of one job where we ground the stump and removed the chips:

In summary, stump grinding leaves a lot of mulch behind. Make sure you have a plan for how to dispose of it. If you are planning on having your stump grinder remove the chips, make sure to ask beforehand if they offer that service.

Hopefully, this will help prepare you for that huge pile of mulch coming your way after you get a stump ground!